As human beings, you learn very early on how necessary it is to maintain healthy strong relationships with those around you. As a baby, you're dependent on you're mother to nurture you into being. Her relationship to you is, in a very real sense essential to your very survival. As you get older your romantic attachments can enhance your spiritual growth and result in life events, such as getting married. The relationships you forge with work colleagues can become essential to your sucess at work. It can be said therefore that we all need each other. Not only in a biological sense, but also in psychological one. We cannot simply flourish and progress alone.
Relationships, are by far and wide the single most important investment you can make in your life. Understand that I write this entry more to highlight the unsung heroes in all of our lives. The individuals that pick us up when we simply cannot face another day. Appreciate them. The relationships that you chose to maintain today are youre most precious asset. Don't let them go. When you are burdened with the weight of the world on your shoulders, it is those very people that will pull you out of the gutter and back into the ring, ready to fight again. My friends give me that necessary life + motivation everyday for which I am eternally thankful.
For that reason I'm very hesitant to cut people out of my life even when I've been wronged. You invest an awful lot of time and energy into people, to just give up on them when they mess up. Even though it may hurt when the people closest to you hurt you- remember this: everyone is flawed and trying to figure it out. They deserve a second chance just as you would if you messed up. Don't give up on them yet.
That being said, don't let yourself be pushed over or used by anyone. The people we hold near and dear says a lot about us, personally. After all, birds of a feather flock together. It is crucial therefore to surround ourselves with people that bring out the best in us, that are constantly pushing us to progress and encouraging us in all things, to be great. To anyone doing the opposite- good riddance!
Back to my point about mutual understanding, in essence I think we are all searching for the same thing by a different name. We wish to find a kindred spirit within another - romantically or otherwise, a person that gets us on a deeper level. After all you want to look at the people close to you and see a true reflection of yourself. We crave a genuine connection with others that surpasses the superficial. We want to understand and be understood. I believe that that simple fact exemplifies what it is to be human. We need each other.
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there" - Rumi
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